Weight: male: 60, female: 50 lbs
Height: male: 27, female: 25 inches
Color(s): all colors permissible except spotted
Character: Gay, beautiful and intelligent, this breed is very often seen in the show ring. The Afghan Hound is very dignified but can be disobedient if not trained properly. Given the right home and family, this breed will become the light of your life.
Temperament: A very sweet, loyal and affectionate breed, the Afghan Hound is also very sensitive and should be treated as such. A very noble and courageous breed. They do well with older children and can do exceptionally well with other animals providing they are socialized around them.
Care: The Afghan's coat requires quite a bit of attention. Baths are necessary once a week to keep the coat from matting. Brushing the coat of this breed can make it more easily matted and can cause problems. Special grooming tools are required for this breed.
Training: Being that the Afghan Hound is sensitive, this breed must be trained gently, yet consistently. If not given the proper training and socialization, this breed can become destructive and disobedience. Obedience classes are recommended.
Activity: The Afghan Hound should always have a safe and fenced area to run. This breed should also have regular walks daily. Fresh water should always be available as this breed has a long coat, which can cause him to become hot. Thirty minutes of running per day is recommended.
Afghan Hound

Hound Group
Afghan Hound - General Information